8 01, 2020

Creative Solutions to Everyday Challenges Within the Workplace


Creative Solutions to Everyday Challenges Within the Workplace There are bound to be challenging moments within the workplace – I’m sure you can name a few you’re dealing with right now. Instead of allowing them to cause havoc, look to [...]

Creative Solutions to Everyday Challenges Within the Workplace2020-02-12T11:17:50-08:00
11 12, 2019

Elevating the Productivity of Your Employees


Elevating the Productivity of Your Employees As a business owner, you may feel the pressure to complete tasks yourself instead of delegating to employees. However, by implementing some quick business strategies proven to increase productivity, you and your team can [...]

Elevating the Productivity of Your Employees2020-02-12T11:21:36-08:00
27 11, 2019

Cultivating a Culture of Mindfulness Within Your Business


Cultivating a Culture of Mindfulness Within Your Business Higher levels of productivity in the workplace can often lead to higher levels of stress. With deadlines, employee needs, responsibilities, meetings, expectations, etc., everything can get a bit overwhelming. However, taking the [...]

Cultivating a Culture of Mindfulness Within Your Business2019-12-11T12:11:12-08:00
7 11, 2019

What the Northern California Fires Have Taught Me


What the Northern California Fires Have Taught Me There’s no doubt that the impact of the current fires in Northern California is horrific, devasting and downright terrifying for the families being displaced. However, this darkness brings magnificent light from the [...]

What the Northern California Fires Have Taught Me2019-11-07T10:47:36-08:00
22 10, 2019

Are Power and Control Real?


Are Power and Control Real? I was having a conversation with a friend recently, and she commented that "power and control are two concepts that don't actually exist". Instinctually, I said that I agreed. The conversation continued and we eventually [...]

Are Power and Control Real?2019-12-02T08:39:12-08:00
27 09, 2019

Being Real and Aware, You’ll Rarely Overshare


Being Real and Aware, You’ll Rarely Overshare Vanessa Van Edwards is on-point as she describes authenticity and the challenges that come with it in this blog. Having real, relevant, authentic connections is something that most of us (hopefully) strive for [...]

Being Real and Aware, You’ll Rarely Overshare2019-09-27T09:34:28-08:00
9 09, 2019

How Intuition Fits in the Corporate World


How Intuition Fits in the Corporate World Hearing someone described as “intuitive” often conjures up images of psychics, mediums, or the like. Because of this, having intuition in the corporate world may seem odd, but the basic idea behind it [...]

How Intuition Fits in the Corporate World2019-09-09T09:10:06-08:00
20 08, 2019

Journey to Find My Purpose


Journey to Find My Purpose If you've been following my blog or occasionally read my articles, let me start by saying I'm going rogue and getting personal in this one. I'm taking off my polished, professional mask and being myself [...]

Journey to Find My Purpose2021-04-14T07:45:34-08:00
6 08, 2019

Practicing Compassion in the Workplace


Practicing Compassion in the Workplace Lately, I’ve been looking at compassion – not just to understand the difference between empathy and compassion but to really, REALLY look at all the ways it can appear. From self-compassion to being compassionate towards [...]

Practicing Compassion in the Workplace2019-08-06T07:33:17-08:00
23 07, 2019

The Power of a Simple Thank You


The Power of a Simple Thank You I recently came across an article that caught my attention. It was about how to best customize employee supervision. Each of us has our own unique strengths and weaknesses, but what’s often overlooked [...]

The Power of a Simple Thank You2019-07-23T11:11:32-08:00
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