Cultivating a Culture of Mindfulness Within Your Business
Higher levels of productivity in the workplace can often lead to higher levels of stress. With deadlines, employee needs, responsibilities, meetings, expectations, etc., everything can get a bit overwhelming. However, taking the time to cultivate a culture of mindfulness within your business can drive massive results when it comes to your employees’ quality (and quantity) of work. Let’s dive into a few easy ways that I’ve found to work so you can start taking advantage of the benefits that being mindful offers.
Make it a priority to get outside the office at some point in the day to clear your mind and breathe some fresh air. If possible, walk to a nearby coffee shop or around the block. Often, my most creative ideas come to me while I am away from my work environment. Plus, when you set aside a moment to collect and gather your thoughts, it ensures that you are ready to return productively with a clear headspace.
If you are feeling stuck, annoyed, or frustrated— don’t sit and stir. Allow yourself to walk away; fill your coffee or water bottle, use the washroom, stand and stretch for a couple of minutes. When you return, your brain will have had that moment to regroup and be ready to embrace the challenge with new solutions.
Consider using one or multiple of the Pomodoro techniques to remain focused for a set amount of time and then break for a shorter period before diving into the next task. Here is an abbreviated approach to Pomodoro techniques – originated by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s – that could help boost productivity.
- Decide on the task that is a priority in the current moment. Ask yourself, what is the thing that must be done to call it a successful business day? If there are multiple, prioritize, and conquer.
- Set a Timer to 25-30 minutes and begin chipping away to complete the task.
- Work on the task until the timer goes off. This 25-30-minute section of time allows you to dial in, prioritize, and execute. Being mindful of the amount of time you are allowing yourself to complete the task makes deadlines engaging and not neglected.
- Five Minute Break stretch, fill your water, look away from the screen—do whatever you need in a brief break to reset the thought process.
- Repeat the first four bullets three to four more times. Diligently focusing on productivity within these set times is recognition in an effort to complete the task.
- Break for a longer 15-20 minutes after the repeated process. Grab a light snack and take a moment to yourself to debrief the work process just executed. You can also spend a sliver of this break to reflect on the past couple of hours of work to make a new preemptive plan of action for when you return.
Start your week by identifying what you want (and need) to accomplish by the end and jot them down. Limit the list to 10-15 items. Then group 2-3 items to accomplish each day of the week. Use this to help you focus and complete what you set out to do.
Regularly, take a moment to write a hand-written note acknowledge what someone did or said that moved you. Express your gratitude by sharing how that impacted you. No matter what culture you are trying to cultivate within your business, leading by example and being grateful are visible and active proponents to success. Giving a simple ‘Thank you’ to employees or business partners reflects how important the success of the whole is to you.
I hope this post has helped motivate you to promote mindfulness in your workplace and see that it doesn’t take some huge initiative to get started. Give it a try and I’d love to hear your results as well as other approaches you take to incorporate mindfulness within your business!
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